Wednesday, December 16, 2009

TBWS - Video Marketing and Mortgage News Designed for Mortgage and Real Estate Sales

TBWS - Video Marketing and Mortgage News Designed for Mortgage and Real Estate Sales

Click on this link to see the MBS video.

Man of the Year 2009

Why TIME Chose Ben Bernanke

FED: Rates to Stay Low !!

The federal reserve met today and choose to keep the Fed Funds rate at or near zero least for the the near future.

My blog yesterday was supposed to say "Rates Stay Low Until 2011, not 2001" typo.

Friday, December 4, 2009

FHA is on the road to tightening up !!

I hate to think where we are headed in the Real Estate Market if FHA raises the down payment required on an FHA mortgage? The other option I have heard to help raise the reserves fund for FHA, which remains dangerously low, is to consider raising the UFMIP and Monthly factors. This would be much more "gentle" as this would slightly raise overall mortgage payment to the borrower without removing the purchase option altogether which is what I'm afraid an increase in down pmt would do.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Time To Buy or Refi ??

Interest rates have declined over the last couple weeks but edged higher on Tues Dec 1st - is it time to "Get off The Fence"? Contact me and we can go over the many options available to you.

Interest Rates

Steven DeMorett Interest rates have declined over the last couple weeks but edged higher on Tues Dec 1st - is it time to "Get off The Fence"? Contact me